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Capital Planning

Optimize your portfolio condition

Make capital decisions for your entire portfolio from a single dashboard.
We help you prioritize projects across your portfolio and enable accurate multi-year capital forecasts.

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Cost Analysis

Leverage our data-driven capital plans

We help you prioritize projects that reduce your portfolio's lifetime repair costs.

Data-driven optimization

We leverage environmental, market, and use-case variables to enable data-driven capital decision-making across your portfolio.

5-year capital & maintenance plans

Our portfolio-level 5-year plans prioritize roof & pavement projects based on greatest need & ROI.

Capital Planning

A smarter roadmap for your capital allocation

Access your entire portfolio and extend the lifespan of your properties using Examen's next-generation software platform.

Automated project recommendations and forecasts

Prioritize projects across your portfolio with our next-generation software platform. We elevate critical issues, forecast your repair costs, and generate 5-year capital plans for your entire portfolio.

Reduce cost by optimizing capital spend

When building portfolio-level capital plans, we leverage data captured across properties to ensure data-driven decision-making. Our capital plans reduce your lifetime repair costs by prioritizing properties with the greatest need.

Built and backed by real estate professionals and AI experts from:

Talk to an expert

Transform your portfolio decision-making and ensure you are are up-to-date on the condition of your properties.

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